
Beauty, Lifestyle

Life has a way of throwing a curveball at us in more ways than one. As such, we may feel anxious, deflated or confused. Nobody likes to feel emotionally or mentally unbalanced. However, the irony of such adversity is that it enables us to develop coping mechanisms until we regain a sense of equilibrium. Self-pampering
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Favourites, Beauty

A glowing complexion speaks volumes about your diet and choice of products. Not everyone prioritises skincare, but regular face mask treatments are essential to achieving healthy-looking skin. When my skin glows, so does my mood. Furthermore, it helps to know your skin type, making shopping a much easier process amid an oversaturated market. The method
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Trending, Beauty

Natural beauty stems from a state of mind that determines how you look and feel. Regular skin-care, from lockdown 1.0 to 3.0, has provided me with a respite from the monotony. A nourishing cleanser, face mask and moisturiser are enough to brighten my mood and diminish any visible signs of dullness. No matter your lifestyle,
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All good things come in beautiful packages. Why not celebrate our coming out of lockdown, which commenced on the 4th of July, with a bottle of happiness? Ironically, the latter is not about alcohol but rather a bottle of perfume from La Route De Soie—”The Silk Route”—a luxurious perfume collection created by perfumer Linda Pilkington.
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Favourites, Beauty

As lockdown continues, I find myself taking each day as it comes with a glimmer of hope. A resilient mind comes with wisdom and great courage. However, the uncertainty of the future and doubt can test our willpower, such as in the current situation. It is fair to say that the social distancing rules have
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Trending, Hot Spots, Beauty

It has been a while since I have written a blog post. The last time, to be precise, was just before Christmas. A few fundamental changes in my life had caused me to slow down to recharge my batteries; hence, the occasional posts. I had separated from my boyfriend (at the time) after eight years,
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Trending, Beauty

I have vivid childhood memories of school trips to the rocky beach of Southend filled with slimy seaweed as opposed to picturesque white sands. I never quite understood the purpose of seaweed or sea vegetables, but as a child, they looked ‘ugly’. Ironically, seaweed contains properties that enable you to look younger which I fully
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Fashion, International Scene, Art, Style Edit, Lifestyle, Travel

My recent trip to Southern Italy was a journey of discovery from both a fashion and a cultural standpoint. When style meets traditional heritage, the two become immersed in a fairground of synergistic creativity which I experienced during an event dedicated to the promotion of “Fashion In Sicily”, held in Catania from the 10th-11th April.
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Hot Spots, Fitness, Lifestyle

Contrary to popular belief, the day has enough hours to strike a happy balance between a hefty workload, social activities, and exercise to let off steam. That said, do you find a workout in the gym somewhat monotonous? Am I the only one who needs more than a tedious treadmill to get motivated to exercise
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